Key Benefits of Using an Air Purifier in Your Kitchen

The increasing presence of pollutants and contaminants in the air have led to an increased pursuit of solutions. Every day we get exposed to organic pollutants, toxins and carcinogens which could build up to become damaging to your health.

Recent research has shown that despite all of the pollution risk faced outside the home, the kitchen could have even worse air pollution than any city center. Indeed, indoor air pollution can be thrice as noxious as high traffic areas. Gas cookers have been seen to produce toxic levels of carbon dioxide, with air fresheners contributing their quota to air pollution within the kitchen.

With the use of air purifiers, some of these pollutants and air microbes can be removed; cleansing the air for your consumption. There are many benefits that make having an air purifier in the home and in your kitchen a no-brainer.

HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filters

Every air purifier is fitted with HEPA filters that help clean the air around. These filters attack and get rid of air impurities and contaminants. HEPA filters can remove dust particles (dust, pet dander, smoke, bacteria, etc.) bigger than the standard 0.3 microns, up to 99.9%. It thus renders the air dust free.

Health Considerations

Air purifiers come with a number of health benefits. Studies have shown that indoor air pollutants account for (cause or worsen) about half of all major health issues. Air purifiers work at removing most of the airborne particles within an environment. As a result, air purifiers help prevent problems such as allergies to air particles – which may be indicated through eye and nose irritations, headaches, and asthma among others.


No one likes odors. An odorous room or building repels individuals and might pose minor health concerns to others. Spices, curry and onions carry strong odors that can last long after you are done cooking. If you desire your kitchen to smell fresh, without the risks associated with air fresheners you might consider an air purifier. Air purifiers contain ozone purifiers. These ozone purifiers expel medicinal odors, residual smoke (cigarette or other), cooking odors (onions, spices, vegetables, etc.) and any other odors present. Some air purifiers are specially equipped to tackle stale home odors.


There is no shortage of bacteria in every household. Sneezing and coughing spreads bacteria in the air, and the warm, humid nature of certain areas in the home breeds bacteria and can cause serious maladies. Kitchen with all of the food it houses also has the potential of housing more bacteria than other parts of the home. Ionic air purifiers with UV-C sanitizers use electrostatic purification to remove allergens, unfriendly odors, irritants and dust. With an ozone power of (03) < 0.05ppm, UV-C sanitizers are effective at removing allergy causing pollutants in the air.

Not all air purifiers are ideal for your needs. While some are better at breaking down residual smoke, gasses and odors in the air; others are much better in handling allergy-causing particles; others tackle toxic gasses and chemicals that could cause lung cancer; and so on. Be sure what your target is and be sure that your air purifier can actually achieve that target. Most importantly, before purchasing an air purifier make sure your kitchen and home have been assessed by an air quality specialist.

Home Air Quality Check for Healthy Indoor Air

Renaud Air offers accurate air quality tests. Learn more about the air you breathe at home.

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Indoor air quality for adults is very important as polluted air could lead to cancer. Babies are even more susceptible to air pollution than adults. It is important to note here that babies could even spend more time in the nursery than at home on most days so it is necessary to give this some serious thought. Indoor plants add color and life to a baby nursery and they also act as natural air filters to keep air pollution to the barest minimum. The plants have to be in a safe place, though so it will not fall on the child especially those who are still crawling. Here we take a look at plants and cleaning products that could be of help to get a cleaner, fresher nursery.

Warneck Dracaena

This plant grows really well at room temperatures. It could be a great source of clean, fresh oxygen for your babies in the nursery.

Organic Crib Mattresses

Since the babies spend most of their time on the laid mattresses, it is only appropriate to get an organic crib sheet that will allow for proper air flow for babies in your nursery.

Spider Plant

This is a great plant especially for beginners. It looks great for a baby nursery and works well under room temperature. You could easily place the plant in a hanging basket to provide ta fanciful, stylish look. Keep the soil slightly moist to avoid Brown leaf tips which is common to spider plants. Also avoid using fluoridated water on the plant.

Air Purifier

Air circulation in the nursery must be taken seriously too. In fact, it should be given paramount concern because if air does not circulate properly, there would be an accumulation of poisoned, unwanted air in the nursery. The use of recommended air filters can achieve this aim – removing dust, toxins, allergens and any other unwanted gases from circulation in the indoor air of the babies.

You can go to Renaud Air and get the exact air purifier that fits your nursery.

The importance of clean, fresh air for babies is primarily for the development of their lungs which are not fully developed at birth. Babies breathe an average of 30-60 times every minute, which surpasses the breathing rate of adults by far. This means they inhale a greater quantity of air during this period. When your babies take in quality air, you do too and you all can really live a long, happy life.


Home Air Quality Check for Healthy Indoor Air

Renaud Air offers accurate air quality tests. Learn more about the air you breathe at home.